I'm fed up about blurbing about myself. Why don't others blurb about me instead...

Age 36, Female

Master of Disguise


Joined on 12/11/05

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Jess-The-Dragoon's News

Posted by Jess-The-Dragoon - December 24th, 2013

First post with the new and improved NG rich text editor...  wow ok.  I'll try to get used to it.

Anyway, the next part of Super Hero Clock episode 1 release is out!  I've been doing animations all year round and I'd really like (need) a break for maybe a few weeks.  And Christmas and Chinese New Year are just the perfect times.  So you won't expect to see much work from me till late January or early March??

Also, I've been planning to keep my animations in one place so that I don't have to publish them multiple times all over the internet.  For that I'm thinking of uploading my stuff just to http://youtube.com/jessthedragoon.  It's not that I have anything against Newgrounds.  I just feel that it's more convenient for me to publish all of my projects at ONE place just ONCE.  As for Newgrounds, I'd still upload stuff here but it's gonna be in a blue blue blue moon.  So to any of you Newgrounders who are following me here who want to continue getting updates about my animation and stuff, just subscribe by clicking here.

To wrap up this year, I made this short JJ Jameson meme animation.


Probably one of the weirdest animation attempt I've done.  Hope you enjoy it!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!









Posted by Jess-The-Dragoon - November 7th, 2013

Hi there folks! Super Hero Clock Episode 1 part 2 is now out on Newgrounds! But not in HD. It could HAVE been in HD but it would take forever to load. So I sized it down so that Newgrounders can enjoy it here:

But if you crave HD version, you can watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tQrSX2IiKY

Yes? Then join the Animator's Club today! The Animator's Club is a community for animators. People are more aware of communities than individuals. So if you join, you are more likely to get noticed!

Just post your animator details here:
(Details on what/how to post available)

It's THAT simple!

So what are you animators waiting for?! JOIN THE CLUB TODAY! =D

There are also more additions to the SHC official website. The list of episodes is available now so that it's easy to find them. It's currently a pretty small list tho. :P And later on, there will be like a "Super Hero Clock wiki" on the website as well.

For more info about SHC stuff, make sure to subscribe to the RSS feed on the SHC official web, like it on Facebook or follow it on Twitter. I'll keep you guys posted there!

Super Hero Clock Ep1 part 2 out now on Newgrounds and Join the Animator's Club!!

Posted by Jess-The-Dragoon - October 31st, 2013

Iiiiiiiiit's that time of the year again!! Monsters and ghosts await during the day and, come nightfall, come out to play! Happy Halloween!! Halloween isn't much celebrated where I live but I know that for you guys living in the west, it's tradition.

Anyway, Super Hero Clock Episode 1 part 2 is out now!

I know this isn't Halloween-themed stuff. I just happened to finish part 2 around Halloween so I decided to release it on Halloween. If you missed part 1, watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqphvQkD3xA

However, I DID release a Halloween movie way back in 2011!

SWF version available here on NG! Pretty old and forgotten stuff but I still hope you guys enjoy it! :)

So I hope you guys enjoy this year's Halloween and be careful when trick or treating..... *grins*

Posted by Jess-The-Dragoon - October 6th, 2013

Wow life had the meaning of "working in front of the computer when not asleep" for the past ... I dunno months? But anyway, for the past 2 weeks, I've been looking forward to the day that I release another project and finally, that day has come! It's not Super Hero Clock episode 1 part 2 though. Instead, it's an animation of a webcomic by Zen Pencils entitled "Marc Maron: The social media generation"!

The reason Marc Maron is part of the comic is because his quote is used in it. I've also uploaded a flash version here.


After all that, I'm gonna try to make my life more like "nap when not asleep" for a while. Then after that I'll be back working on SHC ep1 p2!

Stay tuned!

P.S: For animators out there, the Animators Club is always open for new members! To join, just post your animator's details here! What to post is stated there as well!

Posted by Jess-The-Dragoon - September 21st, 2013

Life has been almost crazy since I released Super Hero Clock Episode 1 part 1. And before I know it, it's Madness Day already. Too bad I'm not making a Madness Day animation this year... but since I did way way back in 2007, I thought it would be great to share it with you guys here before it gets lost and forgotten in the deepest darkest depths of the NG flash portal.

Happy Madness Day 2013! And Enjoy!

Also, SHC part 1 had a quite a good response. There's gonna be a part 2!

Madness Day, Super Hero Clock Updates!

Posted by Jess-The-Dragoon - August 16th, 2013

I missed Clock Day 2013.... what a shame... =( But there has been comments around Newgrounds saying that there hasn't been much 'clock' submissions this year and more clock submissions are still being wanted for show.

As for me, I expected Clock Day to be hip like every year so I always thought of releasing Super Hero Clock on this day. The original one was released on Clock Day way back in 2007 anyway. Year after year since then, I couldn't make the release. But this year is different.

Super Hero Clock Episode 1 part 1 is released for Clock Day 2013!

The animation was finished with addition of visual effects in After Effects so I couldn't release a raw swf version. Although there is an swf version it's still a video but it's low in quality. HD version can be watched here:

Super Hero Clock is a low-to-no-budget production so if you guys like this animation and want this series to go on, please share this wherever you want (facebook, twitter, google+ stumble upon etc... you name it), subscribe to my youtube channel or follow it on facebook and twitter.

I know... it's been a looooooong while. I hope this brightens up Clock Day a bit. Enjoy!

P.S: Anyway, animators, don't forget that The Animation Club is still open for you guys! Post to join!

Posted by Jess-The-Dragoon - July 10th, 2013

Two freelance projects done and I guess that's it for the year. Now back to Super Hero Clock!!! SURE FEELS GOOOOD.... Things are really coming out pretty good! If I get enough done, I would post a screenshot or two.

And of course! It's Robot Day again here on Newgrounds! I remember submitting an artwork for a Robot Day Artwork contest way back in 2010. Unfortunately, I didn't win but at least it got frontpaged back then.

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/jess-the-drag oon/ng-densetsu?context=ratings:etm.user:1415386 .scouted:.offset:15

This year, I don't think I'm in for Robot Day... :( ...Maybe next year.

Anyway, animators, don't forget that The Animation Club is still open for you guys! Post to join!

Posted by Jess-The-Dragoon - June 28th, 2013

Wow, been quite a while since I posted here. Came back to NG to do some voting and noticed that Jack's Halloween Treats is a nominee for NG 2011 Movie Awards. I thought that movie was over ever since after its screening at Japan's HIROSHIMA 2012 International Animation Film Festival. Maybe, get more views around Halloween season but... that's it. But now since it's a nominee, maybe it could get hip here again... I dunno. Anyway, thanks to Tom and NG panel of judges for the nomination.

Aaaand.... Draw Against Time #34 - LQ-84i a.k.a Bladewolf!!

Also, for those serious and enthusiastic animators out there, The Animators Club still open for new members! Just post about yourself and your animation to join!

Welp, I guess that's all for now folks!! C ya next time!

Posted by Jess-The-Dragoon - April 25th, 2013

Super Hero Clock animation is coming out really nicely so far. Voices are all already added in. SFX and music are slowly being added in as well. But sadly, I got a freelance job to do and I have to stop working on SHC for at least a month because this freelance project is kinda big. More details about SHC available here:

http://www.superheroclock.com/shc-episode-one-lo oking-pretty-good-but-not-making-the-end-of-apri l-release.html

Also, if any ANIMATORS who think the Animation Club I've been talking about in my previous posts is a good idea and would like to join, just post to introduce yourself in this thread:


What/how to post is described here: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1336378